Monday, March 31, 2014

Part 2 of 2: Moving On

Stop all contact with your ex. Keeping in contact with your ex-love will make you feel even worse than you already do. Don’t call your ex crying or send passive aggressive texts to him or her. Definitely don’t drunk dial them. Your ex has made it clear that he or she is moving on. The best way to do that yourself is to avoid contact with him or her.[3]
  • Avoid seeing your ex when you can. Of course, this may be challenging if you have a class with him/her. In instances where you do have to see your ex, try to keep it together as best you can. You don’t need to go out of your way to say hey to your ex or even say hi, but try not to give in to your desire to run up to him or her and ask her ‘why did you do it?’ or to beg him to come back to you. Instead, ignore your ex or give a quick greeting without further discussion.
Ask your friends not to report your ex’s every move. While it may be your friends’ instincts to tell you whenever they run into your ex and report on how horrible he/she is, you should ask your friends not to. Getting your mind off your ex is important and having constant updates on who he was talking to or what she was doing with so-and-so will not help you.
  • If you share a group of friends with your ex, do your best to hang out in smaller groups without him/her around. Call up other friends not directly in your (and your ex’s) inner circle. Have a girls or guys day where you all go and do something fun and don’t discuss your breakup.
Get involved in new activities. The best way to get over the past is to create a new, bright future for yourself. Have you been dreaming of learning how sculpt? Scuba dive? Play ultimate frisbee? Now is the time! Enroll in a new after school or work class, or join a sports team. Even just joining a pick-up game every week will work. The goal is to distract yourself with new ideas and activities, and to meet new people who have never heard your ex’s name, let alone met him or her.

Avoid sad, sappy songs like the plague. Instead of listening to that break up mix you may have created in the first days of your break up, listen to music that will pump you up and make you feel good. Create a blacklist for songs that make you feel sad or remind you of your ex (particularly that one song that was ‘your song.’) Make playlists of songs that make you feel like dancing around or screaming along to.[4]
  • The same goes for sad movies and books. This may not be the best time to watchThe Notebook for the first time. Instead, watch comedies and movies that don’t revolve around true love or a doomed affair.
Help someone else. One of the best ways to get your mind off your own problem is to try to help someone else with a challenge they are facing. Ask your friends about what is going on in their lives, ask your siblings how they are doing, etc. Don’t let your emotions block you from the fact that other people are dealing with their own sadness.[5]
  • Volunteering is a great way to put your own situation into perspective. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter and focus your efforts on bettering the lives of others. You may just find that in the process you discover new meaning in your own life.
Work out your emotions. This means literally working out to reduce your stress and sadness. Physical exercise causes your body to release serotonin (a chemical that makes us feel happy) and stimulates the growth of nerve cells. On an emotional level, exercising may help you to feel like you are becoming the master of yourself again. So enroll in that Zumba or boxing class you’ve been wanting to try and start up an exercise routine.[6]

Wish your ex well. You don’t need to do this to your ex’s face, but in your head, think ‘I hope he/she is happy.’ This is a major steps towards being completely over your heartache. You do not need to forgive your ex, and you certainly don’t need to forget what has passed between you two, but letting go of the anger feel will make you feel much better.[7]
  • If you do want to try to be friends with your ex, you must be completely sure that you are over him or her first. If you think you may even have the slightest hint of romantic feelings towards him/her, its probably not time to extend the branch of friendship just yet. Of course, you will probably never look at your ex without recalling your relationship--put that fond feeling towards friendship instead of trying to pretend like you were never together.
Open yourself up to the possibility of meeting someone new but don’t just ‘rebound.’ Opening yourself up does not mean rushing into a new relationship immediately. After a tough break up, some people feel like the best way to move on is with a ‘rebound’ relationship--a meaningless relationship that doesn’t last too long. The problem with rebounds is that the person you are rebounding with may not view the relationship as meaningless (meaning you could really hurt him or her.) Instead, take your time getting back into the game of love.

P/S -

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